Friday, February 28, 2025

Winter? Spring?

Our last big snow fall for this season? We ended our cold snap with another decent snow fall. But the temperatures kept rising after the snow fall and so the thaw was happening quite fast. 
The first picture was taken on Feb 20, 5 days later the snow and ice on the deck had thawed enough that we were able to shovel it all off. It felt spring like enough that we even barbequed burgers for lunch. 
Thankfully during the cold snap, while the ground is still good and frozen, we were able to get this wood chipper and start working on clearing the trees around the lagoon. It has been a very useful tool for Jared and we now have cleared access all around the lagoon so that we can start clearing the berm and replacing the fence this year. 
I've had a bit more energy and motivation the last few weeks which has allowed me to do some organizing and little projects that have been on my list. The toy buckets got labels with pictures so Hazel could help clean up better. 
I went through and reorganized the girls clothes. Now all of Hazel's clothes are in these drawers. She has been picking her own outfits and getting dressed on her own these days so her being able to find her own clothes easier was important. 
Finally got to putting a fogged film on the window and taking the curtain down, I think I had that idea for a least a month before I got around to ordering it....
Nova had a "surprise" litter of puppies. She had run away for a few days early December and I noticed she was pregnant about a week before these 8 puppies showed up. They are about two weeks old in this picture. 
Someone watched her older sister use this chair to wash her hands... Jade was up on the chair before Hazel had even gone back to playing!
We have all been enjoying the longer days and warm sunshine on the deck. 
While cleaning up the deck and getting outside again I was reminded that the water table we had didn't work super well for us as I couldn't easily move it from the deck to the grass. So while I was thinking about it I checked market place and someone still had one listed from the fall. 
The girls had lots of fun with the new table as I swept the deck and sorted and cleaned the toys.
Also found a free toy car on the way home! Looking forward to using our outside play area more and more as the weather warms up. But also expecting it to get cold again before the real spring shows up. 


Thursday, February 27, 2025

Candle Light

 I discovered recently that candle light has more benefits than just a romantic setting. After an afternoon full of wonderful visits, I told Jared that I needed to find someway to turn off my brain (or else it will just be on conversation replay all night). Which I have to wonder is why I may have subconsciously distanced myself from similar "brain on" settings when I am already running on low sleep. Anyways, Jared turned off all the lights and lit the candle that was on the dinning table. Between the fire light and the candle light there was a soft warm glow to the room, and I was able to get my brain into sleep mode as I watched the one little flame on the table. Jade also did pretty well that night and I got a stretch from 11-5!

We both enjoyed the candle light so much that evening that the next evening after we came home from our 4:30 church service Jared lit the candle and turned  off the lights again in effort to wined us all down during the quick dinner and bedtime routine. We had a candle light dinner with the four of us which was very lovely. Later at dessert time I added marshmallows and chocolate chips to the little cookies we often have for dessert (More because I needed to stretch the cookies a bit) but Jared saw a flame and s'more ingredients and roasted the marshmallows for us. "This is how memories are made" he said, and it's true. It was a very special time that we had together that is just really so hard to capture on paper. But there is something to gathering around a candle or source of light and focusing only on what the light is shinning on that is really special. This will be one of those memories that will be treasured. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Jade is One!

Our baby is one! Sometimes I get sad when I think about her being one, but when her birthday actually arrived I was happy to celebrate it and remembered that a lot of fun happens after one. 
Jade is 19lbs 2ounces (actually 12 ounces smaller then Hazel), full of energy and smiles. She is very fast at crawling and starting to learn to climb. She has been spending a lot more time in her playpen and just recently the jolly jumper, both which she enjoys most of the time especially when she is tried and teething. 
Jade has taken to knee walking, especially when carrying toys. It looks quite hilarious but I have yet to be able to catch it on video as she will only do it for three or four "steps" and then give up and revert to the faster method of crawling. She has all the skills she needs to walk on her own, but not the confidence. 
Still just two teeth on the bottom, but she is working on her top two teeth.
Hazel's card that she made for Jade's birthday and put in a present bag. Yes, it's an amazon envelope, actually the envelop that Nana's present came in. I went to wrap the present right away before I forgot, and didn't quite understand what Hazel was asking. I told her it was a present for Jade, a surprise that they could see on Jade's birthday, quickly wrapped the present, put the envelope in the garbage, and came back to a very distraught Hazel crying on the floor. After a long hug she managed to sob out "but I wanted to make it a card" So out of the garbage it came to be a birthday card and valentine card for Jade, as valentines day is soon after Jade's birthday. 

Presents from Nana

Hazel teaching Jade how to push the buttons on the song book. (Video above)

Sent Jared and Hazel to do groceries one evening as we were out of a few little things, and it is nice to have muffin tin liners for the cupcakes. Well they came back with very fancy muffin papers, assorted sprinkles and fancy candles!
Hazel enjoyed decorating the cupcakes, I did a few too, but my cupcakes decorating skill apparently aren't that spectacular as I don't think I can even tell which ones I did.😅
Jade just woke up from a nice long nap, and was full of smiles. 
She didn't eat much of the cupcake, just mostly enjoyed poking it.
A gift from the firehall that we got when Jade was born, that I saved for her first birthday. 
After this it was off to the pool for the afternoon and then home for a grilled cheese and tomatoe soup dinner. Which Jade learned how to open her mouth for food when being feed off a spoon by me, rather then doing it herself! So far dinner seems to be Jade's favorite meals, other meals will just get snacked on, she more just wants to be doing what everyone else is doing, but will actually eat a decent dinner.  (Video below)

Monday, February 10, 2025

Flower Girl

Hazel's second time being a flower girl. She was quite enamored by her pretty, poofy dress...
with a bow!
Hazel was also quite fond of her basket, and happily found all the petals back that kept falling out of it. 
Hazel loved spending time with Elise and Stacy and would go with them almost anywhere, expect down the aisle... I ending up walking her down and she almost made it to the end before crying. 
Once the ceremony was over and the pressure was off Hazel had lots of fun in her dress. 
Some Daddy time. 
This little girly likes to stick out her tongue when she is nervous I think... I don't know how many pictures I deleted because she was sticking out her tongue! 
My attempt at getting a casual picture with Hazel and Aunty Val, but she still caught on....
Mini Stacy? Jade was happy to go to almost anyone, which was very handy and enjoyed by all. She had just woken up from a nap on Grandpa so her hair was still all sweaty. 
Playing with petals. 
Hazel also got a special bracelet from Aunty Val, it even had a little pink flower on it too!
Some more quiet petal time. 

These shades pictures have happened in some form at every wedding this far, and the group just keeps growing!
Family picture time. 

This one worked out so well! Except for Hazel and her silly tongue!
Some much needed sister play time between the wedding and reception. Hazel was almost always playing with Elise or Stacy when at the "big house" and Jade was almost always being held, so this was a nice break back to normal for a little bit. 
Hazel was a little nervous and tired at the reception and kept saying she couldn't see, as there was dim lighting, closer to the end I came upon a spare candle that worked and soon she was running all over the place with her own little light. 

Friday, January 31, 2025

Traveling to Winnipeg

We made it to the air port nice and on time. Chantelle dropped us off, and check in and security all went smoothly. Girls happily played in the play area for a while. Hazel even found a H. After a while we went to watch the planes loading and  unloading by the big windows.
Guess who we found! We are compared notes earlier and thought we were on different flights, but surprise! We were on the same one, so fun! 
We sat at the very back of the plan which worked out so well, we could recline the seats without bothering anyone, Jared had lots of leg room even in the middle, Hazel play and snacked contently in her little corner, and I got to stand up in the aisle if needed when putting Jade to sleep. Jade was not a fan of takeoff or landing, but I was able to put her to sleep both flights. After flying on the little plane to Vancouver this big plane felt like luxury. Jade cozy and sleeping on me in her carrier, seat reclined, Hazel happily playing in her corner and Jared beside her to help if needed. 
Looking out the window before taking off.
After quickly settling in at the big house, we started the festivities right away with a party at Matthew's Sisters place. Hazel happily played with Elise and Matthew's niece even in another new setting. The suits were there for the guys to try on as well, and as the hats weren't permitted for the ceremony we snapped a picture now with them all dressed up!
Oldest and youngest brother
Matching hats, matching chains, matching suits 

Two handsome gentlemen men if you ask me.