Sunday, March 26, 2023

Spring, Slides and Sunshine!

It's been a busy month with traveling,  house/kid sitting and guests so spring came up quite suddenly! I got early spring and conveniently missed the last winter cold snap in PG with my trip down to the valley in March. We came home to lots of snow, but clear blue sky's and mid day temperatures around 7 degrees which was quite enjoyable weather to come home too! 

With all the sunshine our deck started thawing out and is a wonderful spot to hang out and soak up the sun! Knowing that it will still be a while till the snow is gone and we can play nicely in the lawn, we got a little play set for Hazel that can be on the deck for a bit. 
It felt so good to get the deck clean and set up! Hazel has loved the play set so far and it has been soooo nice to watch her learn, play, climb and slide! 

This video captured so much! Hazel's play time on the slide and Hazel and Nova playing nicely together. Nova is really coming around and its so good to see her being so gentle with Hazel. Hazel even tried using Nova as a chair once πŸ˜‚and Nova just got up a walked away! 

Hazel also got new favorite inside toy(s), "blub blubs" aka Fish 🐠. The new inside and outside toys have been a very good distraction from the "missing" extended family and busyness that she got use to over the last three weeks. 

It been quite neat going along with her love of fish, we have coloured fish, watched fish videos, cut out paper fish to play with, and the fascination still hasn't faded! After we picked the fish up from the toy store she got to play with them on the way home and happily sang a "blub blub" song the whole way, which Jared and I both thoroughly enjoyed. By the time we got home Hazel had picked out a daddy fish (the black and yellow one with blue strips), a mommy fish (the orange and yellow one with black strips) and her favorite (the bright green one); so far Mommy and Daddy have always been given to same ones 😁. 

I must say that we have both really been enjoying Hazel the last few days, but that also means that I have been taking less pictures and videos and just enjoying the moment.