Friday, September 20, 2024

Egg Business

 Our first egg showed up much earlier then expected, on Aug 10 when we were away on holidays and had our friends watching the place for us. It was a slow start and more eggs came in waves, a month and a half later we are at 80-90 eggs a day (6-7 Dozen) and still have a little bit more room to grow till we are at full production. It's been a really fun setting up the business side of things to labels, expense and income tracking, and marketing. I was so thrilled when I came across this logo, cast iron pans and chickens are both favorites of Jared so it seemed quite fitting😊

You know your a chicken farmer's wife we you get a egg bubbler installed in your kitchen 😊

Egg washing and packing has become the norm every evening now. It is quite a relaxing task, and has given me extra motivation to have the kitchen more tidy after dinner. 
Our pallet of egg cartons that thankfully survived the trip up from the valley, the last hour or so of the trip was very wet! 
A nice full egg basket! Two days worth at that stage in the game. 
Packing up a few dozen for egg deliveries in town.
Packaged flats for our large order egg customers. 
Egg sizes have been taking their time balancing out, some are extra large while we are still getting the occasional peewee.
Cracked out to be a double-yoke and a no-yokeπŸ˜„

Excited to see where this egg business takes us, 92 dozen sold and counting! 😊😲

Friday, September 13, 2024

Jade, 7 Months

She's moving! Jade first forward motion was the evening we came back from the Fraser Valley, since then she has moved around a bit, getting a toy here and there.  As of yesterday she started following us around the house with with her army crawl! It has definitely changed the play dynamics a bit, Jade can now reach toys that Hazel is playing with which isn't always appreciated, or I can hear Hazel calling "come and get me Jade" and giggling away as they play this all over the living room, down the hall way and into our room 😍.

Jade is able to sit for a few minutes and if she does tip over does so gracefully and can keep on playing. She enjoys playing and mashing food, lots goes in, but not much goes down and she is not really interested in spoon feeding. Jade still loves watching what's going on, especially Hazel, is super nosey and doesn't like being left alone in a room. Jade is overall happy and content despite having no regular nap times or length and still waking up at night, she makes lots of happy noises and giggles away when she is over tired. 

Maybe its just a mommy thing, but I think their faces looks so similar in this picture!!!
My two giggly wiggly girlies... very hard to get clear picture when your whole body needs to smile 😊
Just can't get enough of this grin 😊😍