Wednesday, April 7, 2021

First Tree

The boys thought they should go a cut down a tree, seemed like a northern thing to do. Jared found one that was too close to the lagoon that needed to be cut down anyways. Everyone got to take turns trying to take the tree down with the wood splitting axe (not designed for cutting down trees), it wasn't long before the chain saw came out...

Jared: " I'll just take my truck back there and we can load the wood up!" 
Unfortunately snow on the other side of the fence is much deeper then the yard side! I would say the truck got quite stuck! Thankfully Jared installed a winch on it a while ago and was able to winch himself out! 

According to Sheldon " If the vehicle is self-unstickable then it's not stuck!"

So if the above statement is correct then the little blue truck has not been stuck yet!

First tree off the property all nicely cut for fire wood! 


  1. Yay for the blue truck not getting stuck yet! :D

  2. Ok. it took a while but now there is no denying the fact that you two are home :)

    We are praying for all three of you, daily!
