Saturday, May 22, 2021

Field Work

Some process pictures of the yard work over the last month or so...

Cleaning up the grass along the fence.

It hard to tell but there is a chunk of mowed grass in the middle, at the time we were really impressed with the difference it made. This picture was taken on April 19.

Made the mowed area a bit the bottom left you can kind of see a bunch of electrical fencing that we had to pull out of the grass...

3 weeks later we had to mow the "gravel" patch again...

So glad we got the ride on mower.  After a few rounds on the ride on mower by Mom Van Vliet and Jared the yard is starting to look more lawn like.  This picture was taken on May 21, what a difference one month can make!


  1. What an impressive difference! And so green too!

  2. Nice to see you were able to work on it and the weather was good.hope you had a great week with Albany.Have a blessed Sunday.
