Thursday, August 5, 2021

Discovery Yard

As you may have found out already our yard has a lot of character...
This week I found a lot of hidden things! 

Stormy (The Schouten's dog that we are taking care of while they are gone) is hiding under the deck, in this picture you can see her tongue and a bit of her nose!
A birds nest in the grass by the play house, thankful Jared didn't wreck it when he was weedwacking all the grass in that area!

Honestly there is a rake in this picture, I don't know if I would ever have found it if it was not for the pop can that I picked up that happened to be on top of it.
I managed to pull the rake out, unfortunately the handle broke... but Stormy was quite happy with her new stick!
 I also unburied another large piece of wood! Still not sure how a 6-10ft 2x6 can hide for that long...
And this is the collection of wood that we have found in the yard to far..... and I'm sure there is more hiding out there yet...


  1. That's quite the assortment of lumber!
    I'm sure Jared will find a good use for those pieces!

  2. You can have a surprise scavenger hunt any day you like. Maybe you should get a metal detector.Just had a sermon about the parable of finding a great treasure in a field.Happy Hunting.
