Thursday, October 7, 2021

Discovery Yard Section Two...or Three

A beautiful fall picture, also works as a good before picture of the grass on the last hill.
Starting to cut down the last of the tall grass in the back yard!
A picture that I managed to snag while we were working that evening! I love how bright the trees are!
Got about a 1/3 of it done that evening.
And then Jared got the rest of it done on Saturday evening! Finally 99% of all the grass in the back yard is cut!
April 5... Early spring VS late fall
While Jared was weedwacking I was finding all the treasures! Three cinder blocks...another pallet...
A flimsily shovel... a trailer jack that actually works!... a hitch... a pair of large clippers …
Six tires...(I believe that brings our tire count up to somewhere between 11 and 14) and lots of electrical fencing that doesn't work...
I hope that this is the last of our large treasure hunts... but I'm not counting on it...


  1. Huge improvement! Love those views and to see you guys working on it together. Lining up some goats for spring?

    1. Likely not goats...but hopefully some animals in the spring.

  2. Wow those before and after pictures really show what an improvement you've made over the last few months! And I see what you were saying about the green grass, it really makes things much more cheerful than the dismal dead grass.
