Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Cold Snap

Finally cold enough to go skating but still "warm" enough to actually be outside for a bit! Got my first outside skate in since we moved up! Other times it just didn't work out or I was pregnant and not comfortable trying to skate as I haven't done it in ages! We got to spend our family day with our small family, some extended family and friends!
Used the rain cover as a wind block for Hazel, I think it worked quite well!
Us girls skated around the rink a few times while the boys played hockey, and then when back to a nice warm house while they finished up their game. 


  1. Wonderful that you were able to find a happy middle ground in the weather!
    The sun looks nice and warm too! :)

  2. So good to see you out there enjoying the sun with your friends! Maybe next time you can slid Hazel around on the ice with a sled like we used to do with you :) Hugs! tjvvs
