Friday, May 10, 2024

3 Years, 3 Months!

 Hazel turns 3 years old and Jade turns 3 months old one day apart!

I don't quite feel ready to have a 3 year old, but Hazel is 3 whether I like it or not. Hazel is a still a sweet child, especially when she gets enough sleep. Lately she has been taking up afternoon naps again which has helped a lot in getting our "normal" Hazel back. 

Hazel is still our little helper and always eager to learn. She is fond of running around outside and enjoys having Nova run around with her, if Nova happens to cooperate with Hazels imaginative games. Hazel has a great imagination and has a knack for using items for many other purposes then what they were made for.  

Hazel is about 31 pounds and 39 inches tall and often gets comments on her height.

Hazel is getting more and more excited about her little sister. When Mommy and Jade were gone for a day Hazel was more excited to see Jade then Mommy.

Jade has happily reached the 3 month mark (I remembered once Jade was about 2 and half months that newborn babies are not favorite stage). Jade is a very content baby, she is napping well and mostly sleeping through the night. She is pretty quick to give a smile and is often content to lay on her play mat for a while. 

Jade also just rolled from her front to her back after her nap today. So far she still fits in her bassinet and hopefully will for the next month or two as it has been rather handy. Jade has switched from swaddling to sleep sacs, and happily sleeps on her tummy and will rarely fall asleep on her back. Jade is somewhere in the 12-13 pound range, and right in-between 0-3 and 3-6 in clothing sizes. 

Yup, they are sisters! Hazel at 2 months (top) and 3 months (bottom).


  1. That will keep you busy!

  2. Thanks Tonisha. Have a great Birthday with Hazel. We really appreciate these regular updates.

  3. So exciting! ❤️ Happy Birthday Hazel!
    - Amanda
