Sunday, June 30, 2024

And Then Came June

 I was hoping to settle into June after our "Birthday Season" was over... apparently it was not to be... rather then settling in life got really busy! In a matter of four weeks we started considering a large project we weren't planning on for the summer/fall, Jared declared the Acadia unreliable and we purchased a new-to-us van in the Fraser valley which meant flying down to pick it up. A close church guest friendship drastically changed. Jared's work's accounting system was down for a few weeks so he had some very slow days and an unexpected project day. Nova started getting out again and one day was missing for most of it, and a few days ago I noticed my bread machine is wearing out so I will need a new part or figure out a different way to make bread (which probably wouldn't be such a big deal if all the above wasn't happening as well). Somewhere in all of that we also hosted an Advokate major donor fire and fellowship evening, Jared had his birthday, and we hosted appetizers for dine and dash. So basically not a lot of "normal"....

Though event wise it may not seem too busy for a whole month, processing wise it was a crazy one! We did A LOT of thinking, trying to figure out how to handle and deal with all these changes that were happening back to back.

I don't think I have even been stretched so thin in so many different area all that the same time before, this month has been physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally exhausting! Hopefully some catch up sleeps in the next few days will help get us back on track.

A few little snippets that I managed to capture throughout the busyness:

Happy 27th Birthday Jared! Hazel insisted we have party hats for Daddy's birthday too.😄

The light contrast didn't quite work, but you can see the candles nicely 😛
One of the last days driving the Acadia, I learned to really like this vehicle and really wasn't ready to give it up 😪
A friend helped re-setup the nursery after coffee social, as we had a make shift one set up in the main area while they were doing some water damage assessment. 
Setting up for the Advokate Major donor fire and fellowship evening, Jared was on fire duty.
Test driving the new van Jared drove home that day.
Our unexpected project day, which started off as a nice "catch up on house stuff" for me, but by 10:30 Jared was home and taking down Nova's kennel and fences that were in the way of another project. 

Bye bye, falling over old fence!
Nova's new kennel, long time in planning, but other stuff always took priority, as the pallet kennel, though ugly, was quite effective. 
Walking in the side paddocks, the grass it literally 4-5ft tall!
"Mommy can you take a picture of me holding Jade?"
Truck space was high on my list for vehicle requirements! It was exciting when Jared figured out that the whole bin fit in the back. 
Jared took the girls while I was in a zoom meeting 😍 Jared has really grown into the Daddy of two role over the past few months!
Gravel being delivered for a project. (stay tuned for that story in the upcoming weeks)
These two can often be found playing together on Jade's playmat lately. 


  1. Better busy than bored Tonisha, I guess! One day at a time, trusting God each step of the way. Sorry to hear about your church friendship situation. Life is so challenging and overwhelming for some and full of unexpected twist and turns. never doubt that God put you into this person's life for a reason, seeds were planted, and He will continue to do His work, albeit different than what you had expected. praying for all of you. Praying for strength, calm and confidence in your Heavenly Father watching over you. He keeps you busy because you do beautiful work for Him!

  2. Thanks for sharing Tonisha. You sure had a lot going on. Thankful to see the Lord helped you take it all in stride. If you still need a bread maker I have one available if you know of a way to get it to you.
