I believe this was our first 5 day stretch just at home since moving here, it was peaceful, we had lots of family time, project time and time with friends.
Monday turned out to be a project day, getting as many things as we could done so that the rest of the days off could be a bit more holidayie. I started with a recently inspired project of putting all the books onto one shelf, that was out of Jade's reach and out of the girls room. So far all the activities that Hazel could do while Jade is napping have been in the room Jade was napping in.... but I couldn't think of anywhere else to put them, so this shelf turned out the be a lovely solution. After this shelf was done I tidied and organized all the toys, found the desk back, and my kitchen counters, rearranged a few other household things to hopefully make things run a little smoother. The house just got a overall tidy and it felt soooo good!!!
Taking the sled for a ride around the perimeter trail! (video below)
Tuesday morning we went to the church so Jared could work on some more sound cabling and set up, the girls and I came along and thinned out the nursery toys, set up for the Christmas day potluck and gave Jared a hand here and there when needed. That evening the girls went to bed nicely so Jared and I spent the evening together washing eggs and making a bit of homemade eggnog 😍
The sun was lighting up the tops of the trees while we were out sledding Wednesday late afternoon. That morning we went to the first Christmas service (that wasn't already a Sunday) that we have had in prince George, with a potluck lunch to follow. It was a very special time together with a very nice Christmas lunch. We both got lots of nice chats in with friends and I was even ready to go home from the potluck before Jared, which is a rare occurrence.
Hazel has been enjoying sledding, her new sled from Grandpa and Grandma Flokstra is just the right size. (video below)
Home made eggnog and Dutch treats after sledding outside! Thank you Nana for sending some!
On Thursday Jared organized a shooting event for the guys out by tabor lake, which was well attending and very much enjoyed by all. Jared had been talking about doing something like this for a long time so it was nice to see it finally happen. I had a friend over while Jared was out so I didn't feel to lonely with Jared away on a holiday. That afternoon when he got back we took the 22 out with some subsonics and did a bit of target practice in the back yard. Hazel even got to try which she thought was pretty fun.
Homemade eggnog! Delicious!