Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Jade is One!

Our baby is one! Sometimes I get sad when I think about her being one, but when her birthday actually arrived I was happy to celebrate it and remembered that a lot of fun happens after one. 
Jade is 19lbs 2ounces (actually 12 ounces smaller then Hazel), full of energy and smiles. She is very fast at crawling and starting to learn to climb. She has been spending a lot more time in her playpen and just recently the jolly jumper, both which she enjoys most of the time especially when she is tried and teething. 
Jade has taken to knee walking, especially when carrying toys. It looks quite hilarious but I have yet to be able to catch it on video as she will only do it for three or four "steps" and then give up and revert to the faster method of crawling. She has all the skills she needs to walk on her own, but not the confidence. 
Still just two teeth on the bottom, but she is working on her top two teeth.
Hazel's card that she made for Jade's birthday and put in a present bag. Yes, it's an amazon envelope, actually the envelop that Nana's present came in. I went to wrap the present right away before I forgot, and didn't quite understand what Hazel was asking. I told her it was a present for Jade, a surprise that they could see on Jade's birthday, quickly wrapped the present, put the envelope in the garbage, and came back to a very distraught Hazel crying on the floor. After a long hug she managed to sob out "but I wanted to make it a card" So out of the garbage it came to be a birthday card and valentine card for Jade, as valentines day is soon after Jade's birthday. 

Presents from Nana

Hazel teaching Jade how to push the buttons on the song book. (Video above)

Sent Jared and Hazel to do groceries one evening as we were out of a few little things, and it is nice to have muffin tin liners for the cupcakes. Well they came back with very fancy muffin papers, assorted sprinkles and fancy candles!
Hazel enjoyed decorating the cupcakes, I did a few too, but my cupcakes decorating skill apparently aren't that spectacular as I don't think I can even tell which ones I did.😅
Jade just woke up from a nice long nap, and was full of smiles. 
She didn't eat much of the cupcake, just mostly enjoyed poking it.
A gift from the firehall that we got when Jade was born, that I saved for her first birthday. 
After this it was off to the pool for the afternoon and then home for a grilled cheese and tomatoe soup dinner. Which Jade learned how to open her mouth for food when being feed off a spoon by me, rather then doing it herself! So far dinner seems to be Jade's favorite meals, other meals will just get snacked on, she more just wants to be doing what everyone else is doing, but will actually eat a decent dinner.  (Video below)


  1. Happy Birthday, Jade!!!
    The photo shoot with the sprinkles is very cute 🥰

    1. wonderful photos, Tonisha. Thanks for sharing Jade's birthday. Hard to believe she is already one. On the other hand it seems like she has been around for quite a while. Just enjoy your girls while they are still very young.
      Love from Oma

  2. Can't wait to give you a birthday hug Jade! See you in a few weeks, D.V.
